Apple’s Password Security Recommendations: iOS, iPadOS and macOS

Apple’s Password Security Recommendations: iOS, iPadOS and macOS

According to Purplesec, cybercrime is up 600% due to the pandemic. As cyber-attacks are becoming more widespread, it is important to put an emphasis on security. This applies to not only corporate security but personal security as well. For Apple users, security awareness is easy with password security recommendations on their devices .

Many processing systems allow password storage, which allows users easy site and application access. Web browsers like Google Chrome and Safari prompt you to save passwords when you log into sites. They then autofill the information when you access sites. Apple has since expanded the feature to include password security recommendations for your stored passwords on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. According to Apple. “iOS, iPadOS, and macOS detect common patterns used to create memorable passwords”. This feature identifies a multitude of situations that deem passwords as weak, such as substituting letters for numbers or using the same password across various platforms. Apple now notifies you in your settings and directs you to change the passwords identified as weak.

Where to Find Apple’s Password Security Recommendations

You can find this feature on Mac or iMacs in the passwords list. You can also look in the settings of your mobile device (iPhone or iPad) by going to “Settings – Passcodes – Security Recommendations”, as shown below.


This feature also identifies if passwords have been leaked in a data breach. For example, the recent Facebook data breach that leaked personal information on 533 million users. Instead of being marked “weak”, they are marked “leaked” to indicate your data may be compromised.

Password Strength is an Essential Security Consideration

Password strength is a huge factor in protecting the information you store on your devices and on the internet. If a cyber attacker is able to steal your password, they will have access to all kinds of personal information, such as your banking details and identity specifics. It’s essential to manage your passwords carefully, as well as change them frequently to prevent theft. Stay tuned for another blog on how to craft a secure password to ensure your information is kept as safe as possible.